
MY possession

This time I am going to talk about my favorite possession.

My possession is Personal computer in my room.

I got it about 3 years ago.

Parents bought it for me in token of entrance to high school.

I wanted it from junior high school student's time for a long time.

It’s very special for me because my pc is full of memories of high school days.

A lot of homework that I suffer, Photograph of school festival ….etc

1 件のコメント:

eisensei さんのコメント...

Hi Keigo, how are you? I hope you are having a good week. You said that your favorite possession is your computer. What kind of computer is it? What do you do with your computer? Do you mainly use it for study or do you also play games or chat with friends with it?

This time I am going to talk about my favorite possession. It’s my personal computer. I got it about 3 years ago. My parents bought it for me when I entered high school. I had wanted it since I was in junior high school. It’s very special for me because my pc is full of memories of high school days such as homework that I had to endure, photographs of school festivals, etc.