
My introduction

Nice to meet you.

My name is called Kishi. This blog is the one having made it as part of the class. The update is about once a week.

I am from Japan. My age is 18. I have lived in Hakodate for 18 years. T
he hobby is reading, and I like fantasy novel especially.

My favorite book: Soseki Natsume"kokoro"
It is not a fantasy novel work but I like it.

1 件のコメント:

eisensei さんのコメント...

Hi Kishi, how are you? This is Andre. Are you enjoying Golden Week? You wrote that you like reading. How many books do you read in a week? You also wrote that your favorite book is "Kokoro" by Natsume Soseki. What is it about? What kind of genre is it?

Nice to meet you. My name is Kita and my hobby is reading. I want to update this blog once a week.

Nice to meet you. My name is Kishi. I have made this blog as part of my class. I will update it about once a week.

I am from Japan and I am 18. I have lived in Hakodate for 18 years.My hobby is reading, and I like fantasy novels especially.

My favorite book is "Kokoro" by Natsumi Soseki. It is not a fantasy novel, but I like it.